CTPAT for Customs Broker Managers, Supervisors, and CTPAT Administrators

Course Lessons: 9
Learner Hours: 4.5

Comprehensive course for those managers, supervisors, or other staff in charge of setting-up, documenting, administering, and ensuring compliance with their company’s CTPAT program. It will encompass all of the minimum security focus areas and the categories that “must” or “should” be met..

Course Overview

Comprehensive course for those managers, supervisors, or other staff in charge of setting-up, documenting, administering, and ensuring compliance with their company’s CTPAT program. It will encompass all of the minimum security focus areas and the categories that “must” or “should” be met. This course consists of everything in the basic-level for “personnel”, plus additional guidance for implementation and administration which include CTPAT benefits, application, certification, validation and program requirements.